Sunday, April 18, 2010

Break Even Podcast - NHL Playoff Preview

It's exam time so if you thought posts were scarce to begin with, they just became more scarce.....if that's even possible. If your curious to when new posts will be circulating, the only information I could possibly divulge to help you figure out when new posts will be up is that my exams finish, April 27th. If you don't find new posts within the days after exams, you should at least receive an invitation from me for "end of exams" beverages.

My weekend was filled primarily with studying though there was sporadic playoff watching throughout. One of the more interesting parts of my weekend,however; started Saturday morning. It was like any other Saturday morning.I woke up, got out of bed and put on some pants. On my way down the stairs there was a noticeable character at the dining room table. The first few thoughts that ran through my head were: 1)Thank god I decided to put on pants and 2)What in the world is Kevin Der doing sitting in my house? What followed were our playoff preview podcasts for the NBA/NHL. While we are quite aware the playoffs have already started, believe us when we say we made our predictions before any of the games started (In the case of the NBA previews, we didn't even know the results from the early games). So without further ado, please enjoy our NBA and NHL Playoff Preview podcasts.

NHL Playoff Preview Podcast

NBA Playoff Preview Podcast