Friday, August 10, 2012

Based Podcast x iTunes x Jo Thrillz

Big Things are happening!! First, we have a brand new 2 part podcast with #yeg spitter, Jo Thrillz. Second, we are proud to announce we are officially on iTunes. So feel free to subscribe and listen to our whole library of podcasts featuring Scotty Stark and I on your iPhone, iPad, Macbook or anything with iTunes.

In this two part podcast, we sit down with Jo Thrillz in his crib and have an open discussion with the MC on his origins and outlook going forward. Per usual, the the conversation goes in some weird directions and in the part 2, Jo Thrillz drops a freestyle, another Based Podcast first.
If you want example of one of those weird directions, Jo Thrillz discusses one of his first YouTube videos:

Based Podcast w/ Jo Thrillz 

Part 1

Part 2


Friday, August 03, 2012

Based Podcast: X

Happy Summer Olympics everyone! Seriously, I'm in deep with the Olympics coverage this year and enjoy the fact, that I can get some live coverage starting at 2 am (Shout out to the IOC and BCE media consortium for pandering to the insomniacs demographic). Aside from that, I was able to be pulled away from the wall to wall Olympics coverage to sit down with one and only Scotty Stark to talk about......well hip-hop in general.

 Though I'd like to make a shoutout to an up and coming artist out of Toronto that goes by the name of "ThaCapitalE", who just dropped a mixtape with the feature single called, "Daddy Cool". Check it out.

DADDY COOL - ThaCapitalE from Neon Panther on Vimeo.