Friday, August 03, 2012

Based Podcast: X

Happy Summer Olympics everyone! Seriously, I'm in deep with the Olympics coverage this year and enjoy the fact, that I can get some live coverage starting at 2 am (Shout out to the IOC and BCE media consortium for pandering to the insomniacs demographic). Aside from that, I was able to be pulled away from the wall to wall Olympics coverage to sit down with one and only Scotty Stark to talk about......well hip-hop in general.

 Though I'd like to make a shoutout to an up and coming artist out of Toronto that goes by the name of "ThaCapitalE", who just dropped a mixtape with the feature single called, "Daddy Cool". Check it out.

DADDY COOL - ThaCapitalE from Neon Panther on Vimeo.

Based Podcast X


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