Anyways I'm home, its probably the greatest feeling in the world to be home. Everything is so recognizable its kind of eerie but in the best meaning possible. From locking the dooors to going up and down the stairs it feels amazing. The only thing different is my bedroom due to my new bed but not to say my room has it's aura too. There is the great TV that I've had since I was around 7 or 8. The real bummer though is the break down of my ghetto blaster. Home is definitely is where the heart is.
The one thing I've noticed though is I'm a tweener. Yes I declared it on a blog that I'm the newly coined termed individual between the ages of 18-30 who are quite unclear of what they want. Parents and family are confused as much as I am of what I want but then they know as much I know. I thought Victoria would help clarify this but I guess not. Lately though I've brought up the idea of majoring political sciences and minoring in journalism. It sounds nice but I'll definitely have to look into it. Much more later but I need to feed my BF2 addiction.
SOTD - Window Shopper - 50 Cent
22 days til Aaron steps into the proverbial man world.
Just another blog that focuses on sports and music. Home of the Break Even and "Based" Podcasts.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Night Before
So it's the night before a game, what goes through a player's head? Is it the next play, is it after play looking at the opposing player on the ground and your still standing tall. Maybe it's a player on either side of the celebration after a big play. Which side do you want to be on?
Myself I like to get a good 8-10 hours of sleep, wake up and have a very nice large breakfast or lunch rather which is fully loaded of carbs because every good athlete knows, and well let's say i'm up there. Ok I wish but c'mon give me some spec. I'm really starting to get into the visulatizon aspect of it. It's really easy to do considering you've played against this team and you know exactly how your play on your field. For example, I can perfectly see myself playing that outside shade on my inside reciever and just letting it all unfold. The snap with the quarterback making either a 3 or 5 step drop and hitting the post or slant. Take a nice upfield cut and pick that thing off and make sure you learned some of your madden moves before you got on that field that day. Or seeing that one step drop back and seeing the block trying to develop on you. Ensure you swim outside and get good position and get ready to take out that screen/hitch. The most important thing though, don't cramp up.
SOTD - fix you by coldplay
Myself I like to get a good 8-10 hours of sleep, wake up and have a very nice large breakfast or lunch rather which is fully loaded of carbs because every good athlete knows, and well let's say i'm up there. Ok I wish but c'mon give me some spec. I'm really starting to get into the visulatizon aspect of it. It's really easy to do considering you've played against this team and you know exactly how your play on your field. For example, I can perfectly see myself playing that outside shade on my inside reciever and just letting it all unfold. The snap with the quarterback making either a 3 or 5 step drop and hitting the post or slant. Take a nice upfield cut and pick that thing off and make sure you learned some of your madden moves before you got on that field that day. Or seeing that one step drop back and seeing the block trying to develop on you. Ensure you swim outside and get good position and get ready to take out that screen/hitch. The most important thing though, don't cramp up.
SOTD - fix you by coldplay
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Long time, No blog
What up, Hey shorty what it is? WHAT UP!?!?!
Ok so that was my meager attempt of humour. I'll stop right there, anyways it's been quite a long time since I blogged and I thought to myself and my faithful readers which I believe maybe reaching the thousands have wanted to hear the A-Train speak and guess what. You ask and you shall recieve. The news in Victoria right now, well let me give you the 411. The Victoria Rebels are currently 2-6 in their regular season play with absolutely no chance of getting into the playoffs however may it be put on record that the Rebels are probably the most dangerous 2-6 team out there with only the goal of slaying giants by the end of the season. I mean we have already killed Abbottsford's hope of playoff glory by taking it to them with the passing attack of our backup QB and newly switched Kruger to WR rather than SB which is what I would've done from the beginning plus switch Hummus to WR as well to make some very large targets for the QB to hit. The game's final score was 29-21 with a final minute drive by the air force that was squandered on the 6 yard line on 3rd down by the stifiling Rebel's defense. Which by the way had a very decent game including 2 INTs by yours truly and Jackson Miller. With the win, let the partying begin they say in some weird part of the world. But we did in our bus all the way to the ferry and then some. Me and Richard split a nice case of Kokanee and just let the good times roll as the bus was filled with exuberance after a heart filled win especially with them happening so few and far inbetween. Then it was another bye week where there was nothing else to do but get as grimey as you can get in the V.I.C. Getting in at 3 or 4 and waking up way past noon was feeling really good. Look forward to a future post dedicated to explaining some of the funniest things encountered here in Victoria along with the winners of the "Masters" awards. I'm really going to try to get some more posts out it's just kinda hard when ur not doing anything :P
SOTD - Explosions In The Sky - Your Hand in Mine
Ok so that was my meager attempt of humour. I'll stop right there, anyways it's been quite a long time since I blogged and I thought to myself and my faithful readers which I believe maybe reaching the thousands have wanted to hear the A-Train speak and guess what. You ask and you shall recieve. The news in Victoria right now, well let me give you the 411. The Victoria Rebels are currently 2-6 in their regular season play with absolutely no chance of getting into the playoffs however may it be put on record that the Rebels are probably the most dangerous 2-6 team out there with only the goal of slaying giants by the end of the season. I mean we have already killed Abbottsford's hope of playoff glory by taking it to them with the passing attack of our backup QB and newly switched Kruger to WR rather than SB which is what I would've done from the beginning plus switch Hummus to WR as well to make some very large targets for the QB to hit. The game's final score was 29-21 with a final minute drive by the air force that was squandered on the 6 yard line on 3rd down by the stifiling Rebel's defense. Which by the way had a very decent game including 2 INTs by yours truly and Jackson Miller. With the win, let the partying begin they say in some weird part of the world. But we did in our bus all the way to the ferry and then some. Me and Richard split a nice case of Kokanee and just let the good times roll as the bus was filled with exuberance after a heart filled win especially with them happening so few and far inbetween. Then it was another bye week where there was nothing else to do but get as grimey as you can get in the V.I.C. Getting in at 3 or 4 and waking up way past noon was feeling really good. Look forward to a future post dedicated to explaining some of the funniest things encountered here in Victoria along with the winners of the "Masters" awards. I'm really going to try to get some more posts out it's just kinda hard when ur not doing anything :P
SOTD - Explosions In The Sky - Your Hand in Mine
Monday, August 29, 2005
Another day, another loss....
Well looks like were back at square one. After we came back from our last defeat by the hands of the raiders where our defense shut them down in the 2nd half but still lost 15-12. This game was a total $#!% show. After a quite ineffective FG fake in the first quarter you could have said it went downhill from there. After a few turnovers (I believe we had around 8 turnovers in total), the final score was 47-0. It's safe to say we were quite dejected after probably the 2nd quarter. Man things need to change for our club soon for us to have a chance for the rest of the season. Another week of work ahead and who knows who may show up.
SOTD - Drive Slow by Kanye West (Lamar's crash lol)
SOTD - Drive Slow by Kanye West (Lamar's crash lol)
Sunday, August 14, 2005
V is for Victory(a)
Well it has been awhile but whatever I'm a busy man leading a busy life....I wish. Anyways, last night our team enjoyed our first victory of the season but definitely not the last as we have to start running the table and live up to the cliche underdog team and rise from the ashes. If you were wondering the final score was 31-7, if you want some professional writing on the game.
So finally a good reason to party. Under a controlled environment at the Cote's house. Well if you know anything about a Cote party it's far from controlled. Anyways it was a blast spending some time with the fellas especially with the fact that I won't see a lot of them as they will be away back home and me staying here in Vic doing whatever I do. I'll try to get my .... together soon, I promise.
Alright now my opinion of the day since I have so much time on my hands that I have come up with the idea that people with too much on their hands come up with some stupid ideas. So I do believe a lot of journalists don't go out and their and find real news but instead form their opinions on news that is so saturated as it is. On that note though, I have way too much time on my hands. Therefore here is my thoughts, imagine for a second sports coverage as of today. To the average television viewer it's filled with the normal hoopla of what's hot in the professional sports. That average watcher may also say that today's sports are probably filled with the most athletic and fit athletes ever known. (May it be from good genetics or some type of "cream" leaves to be debated) Unfortunately, this is where the article may get slanted and therefore be subject to some comments which would be very nicely welcomed. This next generation of athletes seem to be predominatlely of the non-caucasian race. With the ideas of racism being thrown out of the window right away considering the author of this article is black. With this rise of black athleticism, it's surprising to see the rise in sports such as billiards, golf and my favourtie poker. Before the NHLPA strike the caucasian race had one guaranteed sport that they dominated in numbers however with the strike it left a majority without a majority to watch. Thus we got a rise in some sports which really aren't sports as it is. If you look back a golf channel was created before the NBA, and NFL channels could even get off the ground. But I guess when you have the money you will pay to see what you want. The money put into golf or poker orientated products is almost matching the ones associated with the mainstream professional sports considering the pros have had a few decades to work on their marketing. Now it maybe these sports seem to be so popular as they are just gateways of giving middle aged men the possibility that may one day still be the top story on sportscenter and not just as one of the fans but as an "athlete". Well with the NHL back on track, let the rearranging of sports coverage begin once again and who knows maybe those star card sharks still have a spot on primetime.
SOTD - Middle of Nowhere - Hot Hot Heat
So finally a good reason to party. Under a controlled environment at the Cote's house. Well if you know anything about a Cote party it's far from controlled. Anyways it was a blast spending some time with the fellas especially with the fact that I won't see a lot of them as they will be away back home and me staying here in Vic doing whatever I do. I'll try to get my .... together soon, I promise.
Alright now my opinion of the day since I have so much time on my hands that I have come up with the idea that people with too much on their hands come up with some stupid ideas. So I do believe a lot of journalists don't go out and their and find real news but instead form their opinions on news that is so saturated as it is. On that note though, I have way too much time on my hands. Therefore here is my thoughts, imagine for a second sports coverage as of today. To the average television viewer it's filled with the normal hoopla of what's hot in the professional sports. That average watcher may also say that today's sports are probably filled with the most athletic and fit athletes ever known. (May it be from good genetics or some type of "cream" leaves to be debated) Unfortunately, this is where the article may get slanted and therefore be subject to some comments which would be very nicely welcomed. This next generation of athletes seem to be predominatlely of the non-caucasian race. With the ideas of racism being thrown out of the window right away considering the author of this article is black. With this rise of black athleticism, it's surprising to see the rise in sports such as billiards, golf and my favourtie poker. Before the NHLPA strike the caucasian race had one guaranteed sport that they dominated in numbers however with the strike it left a majority without a majority to watch. Thus we got a rise in some sports which really aren't sports as it is. If you look back a golf channel was created before the NBA, and NFL channels could even get off the ground. But I guess when you have the money you will pay to see what you want. The money put into golf or poker orientated products is almost matching the ones associated with the mainstream professional sports considering the pros have had a few decades to work on their marketing. Now it maybe these sports seem to be so popular as they are just gateways of giving middle aged men the possibility that may one day still be the top story on sportscenter and not just as one of the fans but as an "athlete". Well with the NHL back on track, let the rearranging of sports coverage begin once again and who knows maybe those star card sharks still have a spot on primetime.
SOTD - Middle of Nowhere - Hot Hot Heat
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...
Sunday is a great day now that I think about it. Before it'd just be another work day for me with absolutely no consideration that it should be a good rest day. Now that officially it is my rest day I'm enjoying all of it's glories. My mother just phoned asking about my journey of yesterday but I really couldn't tell her everything.
Yesterday could be considered one of my longest days ever. I woke up at 8:15 to the knock of my billet, Brant who was checking what time I had to be at the clubhouse. What he didn't know that I was supposed to be up half an hour ago to take the bus to the clubhouse. Thankfully he was able to give me and Dan a ride to the clubhouse. We got on the ferry sometime after 10 am and let me say this much. I love riding ferries with the team. You could be walking around by yourself at one moment and then find a whole new group of your team just chilling. Plus the arcade, (note to self: must become acquainted well with virtual tennis to beat Vanderlee).
The actual game was a gong show. We got beat 23-20 by the Chiliwack valley huskers but we should've won. We had a total of 3 punt returns for TDs called back for illegal blocks. It was ridiculous plus it was just a gong show with the attitudes that both teams possesed. It was demonstrated quite well when they got 2 guys ejected from the game then we got taur ejected for trying to help somebody out.

Now the bus ride back. I'll say this much 99 bottles beer, not literally. Aftermath = total warzone. Taking a cab home at 5:30 in the morning.
Did I have fun yesterday, ummmmmm most definitely but I'm looking forward to that rematch.
Congrats Lance on number 7. Hopefully retirement is just as great as winning all 7 championships and please tell Sheryl to produce some more hits.
SOTD - All I wanna do - Sheryl Crow
Yesterday could be considered one of my longest days ever. I woke up at 8:15 to the knock of my billet, Brant who was checking what time I had to be at the clubhouse. What he didn't know that I was supposed to be up half an hour ago to take the bus to the clubhouse. Thankfully he was able to give me and Dan a ride to the clubhouse. We got on the ferry sometime after 10 am and let me say this much. I love riding ferries with the team. You could be walking around by yourself at one moment and then find a whole new group of your team just chilling. Plus the arcade, (note to self: must become acquainted well with virtual tennis to beat Vanderlee).
The actual game was a gong show. We got beat 23-20 by the Chiliwack valley huskers but we should've won. We had a total of 3 punt returns for TDs called back for illegal blocks. It was ridiculous plus it was just a gong show with the attitudes that both teams possesed. It was demonstrated quite well when they got 2 guys ejected from the game then we got taur ejected for trying to help somebody out.

Now the bus ride back. I'll say this much 99 bottles beer, not literally. Aftermath = total warzone. Taking a cab home at 5:30 in the morning.
Did I have fun yesterday, ummmmmm most definitely but I'm looking forward to that rematch.
Congrats Lance on number 7. Hopefully retirement is just as great as winning all 7 championships and please tell Sheryl to produce some more hits.
SOTD - All I wanna do - Sheryl Crow
Friday, July 15, 2005
Damn Daytime Television.
Quickly a review of football over the last week, I had my alumni game and we won 30 - 19 and guess who got a pick. Yes indeedy, I did unfortunately not get a return because I fell down after catching. Anyways we've had another good week of practice minus tuesday, it just didn't feel as much up tempo as the other days.
Anyways regarding the title of the post, I've been waking up the last few days around 10:30 and coming across a great tv show that I haven't watched in a while. That great show would be, The Price is Right. The thing with this show that I love ranges from the many games to the many people that come on the show. The one thing that kinda has me thinking. How many U.S. Soldiers have appeared on The Price is Right and later on paid the price of their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan on this war on terrorism? Weird question but I'm full of them.
SOTD - Today - Smashing Pumpkins
Anyways regarding the title of the post, I've been waking up the last few days around 10:30 and coming across a great tv show that I haven't watched in a while. That great show would be, The Price is Right. The thing with this show that I love ranges from the many games to the many people that come on the show. The one thing that kinda has me thinking. How many U.S. Soldiers have appeared on The Price is Right and later on paid the price of their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan on this war on terrorism? Weird question but I'm full of them.
SOTD - Today - Smashing Pumpkins
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Well today is a very rainy day so thus to spruce things up I'm writing in good old yellow. Anyways yesterday was football testing and I did alright I guess. I believe I only got around a 25 inch vert, 5.0 40 yard dash, I wasn't even able to a single 185 lb bench press, bu I did get a 4.5 shuttle which isn't bad for me. I excelled in my endurance which I was able to stay within the limit for both runs. Thanks to help of jeffery of being my guide on both runs.
I also have to upload some pics pretty soon because there is so many beautiful parts of this town that I need to capture. Anyways more practice tonight.....
SOTD -Yellow - Coldplay
I also have to upload some pics pretty soon because there is so many beautiful parts of this town that I need to capture. Anyways more practice tonight.....
SOTD -Yellow - Coldplay
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Wow Canada Day
I have no idea what to say. After my first night in Victoria, I'm madly deeply in love with the city. Or maybe it was just yesterday's Canada day activities that were excellent. I'll start off by saying waking up 630 in the morning to go on a plane really sucks, and it's just my luck everytime I take the plane it's always early in the morning like that. After a little confusion on where people were going I was finally allocated to my billet where we got acquainted then as soon as I got out of the van he put me to work on helping him get ready for his Canada party he had arranged unaware that my arrival date was 1st and not the 4th as he once had thought.
It gave me a chance to get to know him but as soon as I was done I was anxious to hear stories from the rest of my shep crew of how their billets faired and to find out who really had the best setup here in Victoria. After some lunch we got wandered around downtown and the harbour. All while walking down and noticing the nice scenery I had the feeling of stupidity that I could forget to bring my camera to such a good event. Then I thought to myself I got 4 more months and hopefully occasions such as this would happen again. If not my memory will do it's best to keep the image alive. After heading back to the house for a nap, I awoke to the knowledge that Ottawa beat Montreal. Let me say this now, what an upset.
Aside from the point I met a few people then headed back downtown to take in the true Canada Day festivities. Not a whole lot can be said except meeting those 2 guys from the States who were part of the military was pretty cool. The one guy was heading out to Afghanistan in a few weeks and the other guy was going into the Marines which to me sounds like the craziest thing a person could go through. After some time spent listening to their stories in garrison plus a little bit of booze we headed back out to the harbour to enjoy the fireworks and meet some pretty cool people and by the end of the night I stumbled home from the bus at 1 in morning. Did I enjoy it?? I think the stumbling part speaks for itself.
It gave me a chance to get to know him but as soon as I was done I was anxious to hear stories from the rest of my shep crew of how their billets faired and to find out who really had the best setup here in Victoria. After some lunch we got wandered around downtown and the harbour. All while walking down and noticing the nice scenery I had the feeling of stupidity that I could forget to bring my camera to such a good event. Then I thought to myself I got 4 more months and hopefully occasions such as this would happen again. If not my memory will do it's best to keep the image alive. After heading back to the house for a nap, I awoke to the knowledge that Ottawa beat Montreal. Let me say this now, what an upset.
Aside from the point I met a few people then headed back downtown to take in the true Canada Day festivities. Not a whole lot can be said except meeting those 2 guys from the States who were part of the military was pretty cool. The one guy was heading out to Afghanistan in a few weeks and the other guy was going into the Marines which to me sounds like the craziest thing a person could go through. After some time spent listening to their stories in garrison plus a little bit of booze we headed back out to the harbour to enjoy the fireworks and meet some pretty cool people and by the end of the night I stumbled home from the bus at 1 in morning. Did I enjoy it?? I think the stumbling part speaks for itself.
SOTD- Such a Rush - Coldplay
Friday, July 01, 2005
T minus 8 hours..
This is my first post (could be the last, time depending). You might be asking why blog?? Only nerds blog right. Well guess what I'm a nerd who plays football so that maybe kinda makes me an anomoly or something like it. Anyways before I ramble about nonsense just want to welcome you all to my blog as I report my good ol' times wherever they maybe. Currently I'm back home awaiting for 6:30 to roll around so I can head down to the airport to head off to Victoria for 5 months yada, yada, yada you know the story.
SOTD (song of the day)-See You Soon- Coldplay
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